måndag 3 mars 2014


The weather is beautiful and the sun hits our faces in a 35 degrees heat. All the time we spent in the airplanes and the airport is now forgotten and it feels like we are in a beautiful dream that can’t be compared to the gray and boring Sweden. The beaches are white and the girls are walking at the streets with bikinis and beautiful bodies, we are lucky that we are well built and the muscles on our body because otherwise we wouldn’t dare to walk o without t-shirts.

We landed in Florida 10 am because the airplane from Copenhagen to Florida were delayed, Chirister’s uncle met us at the airport and he drove us with his Range Rover to his big home with eight rooms. We arrived to his home 11 o’clock and we packed up and things. We even took a nap for about three hours and woke up when the big dinner was ready. We sat with Christer’s two uncles families and ate and talked a lot at the table. We all spoke Arabic because everybody could talk good Arabic. When someone didn’t understand we explained in englisharabic dialect and they were chocked about how good flow we had when we spoke English, and that’s our English teachers credit :)

After the dinner we walked with Gabriel, Samantha and Cassandra who is Christer’s uncle Ibrahim children. Gabriel is in the same age as us, Samantha is 22 years old and Cassandra is 14 years old. We took a walk along the beach and we saw palms everywhere. They even introduced us to their friends. Every single store in the area were closed because it was Sunday and 7 o’clock p.m.

Tomorrow we are going to visit uncle Ibrahim’ gas station that he owns by himself, the other uncle (Daniel) also owns a gas station but he doesn’t work tomorrow. After the visit we will go shopping and maybe go to the beach and tan.  

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